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Align Training: Saturday 7/11/2020

Writer: Dr. Ana GrimhDr. Ana Grimh



Warmup 10 mins on Hip Activations and Core Stability

A. Strength

1. Option 1 (if you have a BB & plates) - Wide Stance Back Box Squat

(Same as regular box squat but move your feet out slightly wider)

6 sets of 5 repetitions

rest 1:45

2. Option 2 (no BB & plates, or limited) - Wide Stance Goblet Box Squat

(hold KB/DB/odd object)

6 sets of 5 repetitions at 33X1 tempo

rest 1:45

B. Lower Body Superset

(Complete one set of first movement, rest, then set of next movement, rest. Repeat until you have done 4 sets total.)

B1. Single Leg Squat to Box

4 sets of 12 reps per leg

Rest 30 seconds

May add weight, if appropriate

B2. Goblet Style Forward Lunges,

4 sets of 8 reps per leg

Rest 30 seconds

Metabolic Conditioning

For time

800m run

50 power cleans (95/65 or DBs 50/35)

800m run

50 ring rows

800m run

50 bar-facing burpees (or over a DB)


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