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ALIGN Training: Saturday, 7/25/2020

Writer: Dr. Ana GrimhDr. Ana Grimh

WeightWL/SL & Rebound

B. Skill: Use a broomstick, PVC pipe, garden stick, etc. If you have DB, KB, or BB, you may use for the drills. You just might be doing a single arm version, but all the same technique applies.

2 hang power clean + 1 clean (with 2 sec pause at knee) + 2 Front Squat + 1 Jerk:

-Complete one complex every minute on the minute for 8 minutes.

-If you have a BB, may build in load, as long as you can maintain form.

C. Accessory Superset: Complete one set of first movement, rest, then set of next movement, rest. Repeat until you have done 4 sets total.

C1. Goblet or MB Carry, 4 sets of 1:00, rest 30 seconds

C2. DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges, 4 sets of 8 per leg, rest 30 seconds

C3. V-ups, 4 sets of 18, rest 15 seconds

Metabolic Conditioning

Complete one set every 4:00 for 6 total sets:

400m run


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